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Chapter Meeting & Program: Neuroscience of Coaching: How to Put Resilience into Action
Virtual Chapter Meeting & Program
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About this event
Neuroscience of Coaching: How to Put Resilience into Action
Presented by
Master Certified Coach, Hayden Lee and Neuroscientist, Dr. Kelly Kent
November 20 2020
8:00 am EDT: Welcome
8:10 am - 9:30 am: Presentation
9:30 am - 10:00 am: Networking and Community Connections
ICF CCEs: 1.0 Core Competency
.5 Resource Development
Learn how to help your clients build resilience by understanding, accepting and managing their “Lizard Brain,” the unconscious and instinctual system responsible for the “flight or fight” behavior in humans.
“Lizard Brain” evolved to help humans respond to physical threats and danger and continues to play an important role in human survival. However, this neurological alert system can also lead to default negativity, limiting assumptions and unhelpful thought patterns.
Join this interactive session to learn about the neuroscience of emotions and how you can use the Straight As of Emotional Intelligence to help your clients build awareness, accept, and manage difficult emotions.
This presentation will include guided discussions and practice activities to help coaches:
- Understand how the Lizard Brain helps and hinders people in responding to life’s challenges
- Learn and practice strategies for managing the Lizard Brain
- Use techniques like the “Straight As of Emotional Intelligence”
- Integrate elements of neuroscience into your coaching practice
- An understanding of how the lizard brain is helpful in some situations and harmful in others
- Every human can manage their lizard brain with consistent and focused practice.
- An overview and guided application of the Straight As of Emotional Intelligence.Seamlessly apply neuroscience into your coaching practice.
About Us
Master Mind Institute is the partnership of Master Certified Coach, Hayden Lee and Neuroscientist, Dr. Kelly Kent. These two thought leaders merge professional coaching and brain science to empower coaches to be more effective, have enhanced coaching presence and to create more “aha” moments in their clients, by helping them understand what’s happening in their brain during the coaching journey.
Hayden Lee, MCC

Dr. Kelly Kent, Neuroscientist