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President's Message from Monica Leggett

Published on 2/11/2020

Hello Coaches & Friends,

Monica LeggettDon’t you love it when a client comes in bubbling over with excitement? Sometimes we just have to process our emotions, to step back and acknowledge what is going RIGHT and express appreciation and gratitude. I am on an emotional high after the events in our chapter for the last few weeks and I have deep appreciation for all the people who make our chapter such an outstanding professional organization. We had Coach Cafés in three locations, new volunteers stepping up to serve the chapter, and a really fabulous well-attended meeting on January 31 -- with two more programs (webinars) scheduled for February. 

I’d especially like to thank all those who helped on January 31. This includes the three coaches who facilitated discussions of the case scenarios – Jill Berquist, PCC, Annalise Evenson, PCC and Karin Whitley, PCC. The scenarios were realistic and meaty and provided a springboard for great coaching and discussions. More thanks go to two facilitators, Dina Markind, PCC and Jean Stetz-Puchalski, PCC, who explored some of the changes coming out this year in ICF’s Core Competencies. It was truly a successful team effort, and we’re hoping to keep these conversations alive in the Membership Forum on our website. To join that online discussion, please log in and then go to the “For Members” and “Forums” tabs, respectively. We’d love to hear about your unique experience at the program – What did you learn? What did you take away from the exercise?  What new tools or skills might you use in the future?  And what do you still want to learn or practice?

Another valuable reason for you to log into our website is that it can help you get new clients. Our “Find a Coach” module allows people to search our membership for possible referrals or hiring. If a potential client is seeking a coach who focuses on relationships, for example, or on Leadership, they can select that specialty (and even a specific city or town), and find coaches who fit that niche. Try it for yourself. (Click on the “Opportunities” Tab, and then click on “Find a Coach.”) To participate in “Find a Coach” -- which is available for free to all ICF-CT members -- all you need to do is fill out your profile (log in, click “Profile” in the top right corner, and then fill out the “Personal Info” section).  If you need help, please email

The last thing I want to mention is that it is a busy time of year for our chapter – Membership Renewal drive is beginning, our Nomination team is working on a new board slate for 2020-2021, (voting is in April), and we have two exciting webinars coming up this month on the 14th and 28th. International Coaching Week (ICW) is in early May and we are actively seeking speakers and volunteers to participate. Email Judy Garfinkel at Stay tuned… our newsletters and the website will have more information. 

I hope to see you all soon. Please reach out to me at any time.


Monica Leggett
ICF Connecticut, President