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President's Message from Judy Garfinkel

Judy Garfinkel | Published on 12/7/2021

Hi Fellow Coaches,

The other day, a prospective coach asked me and interesting question, “Are coaches generous in general, and specifically, are your members generous?” Through some questioning I learned that she is looking to be a part of a profession and a local community that value sharing tools, insights, vulnerabilities and support.

How would you answer her?

My answer was, “Yes, that’s who we are, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” 

If you’ve been actively making ICF-CT connections at events and ‘offline/off site’ you already know the roles of giver and receiver on a person-to-person level. [Mobius strip-like] As coaches,, we often traverse both roles, so that giving morphs into receiving and before we know it, we are giving again. 

I witness this frequently from our Chapter’s coaches:  a generosity between individual members is the glue that makes of ICF-CT unique.

And there’s more…Your Chapter Leaders and Committee Members have been identifying opportunities to give more to our members, too!

Our Board has approved a yearly Membership Grant that makes it possible for a potential member or current member to get support toward one year of ICF Global membership dues. Stay tuned for information on how to nominate someone for the Grant. 

Our President-Elect, Lori Candela, will be chairing the International Coaching Week (ICW) Committee, where ideas for how to be in service to our community while spreading the word about the value of coaching, form into events during ICW in May. Join her.

We have a new Coaching Circle (run by members for members), The Professional Enrichment Group: Maintaining Coaching Excellence, in addition the ongoing Coaching Circle, Coaching Women Leaders.  You can find them both here: Maintaining Coaching Excellence and Coaching Women Leaders.

January sneak peek 👁️👁️…The Winter Social committee is planning something to warm your heart and bring us together. Stay tuned. 

Do you have a good story about how a fellow member has been generous to you?

Send them my way!

Or contact me to chat.

Believing in you,
